NYBA welcomes Sensei Jeff Christian from the MUZOSA BUJIKAN DOJO OF NYC to host a special class in the art of Bujikan.
The Bujinkan Dojo was organized in the early 1970’s by Masaaki Hatsumi. This organization is comprised of nine distinct schools of ancient Japanese martial arts, with traceable histories from the 9th century and earlier. Hatsumi-sensei inherited these ryuha from his teacher, the late Toshitsugu Takamatsu, in 1972.The Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu system of martial arts emphasizes natural and relaxed body movement. This martial art is comprised of authentic techniques from ancient samurai and ninja combat arts, taught within both their historical contexts as well as within the modern context.
Jeff began training in 1983 under Stephen Hayes and then in 1986 began studying under Larry Turner and Kevin Schneider. He received his godan (5th degree black belt) in 1993 and began teaching in NYC in 1994, when he started Muzosa with Tim Brown. Jeff received his ju-godan (15th degree black belt) in 2009. He was awarded the rank of daishihan in 2018.
In this video, Muzosa’s head instructor Jeff Christian and his students demonstrate Bujinkan techniques for the YouTube channel Inside Martial Arts.