Transform your life with Ryushin Shouchi Ryu: Embrace a new perspective on personal growth and develop the resilience and focus to overcome life's challenges.



The New York Budo Association is a non-profit organization 501c(3) and is committed to fostering a safe and ethical environment for all martial arts practitioners. Our policies are approved by and overseen by our board of directors. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at, or through the contact procedures outlined in the documents below.

All members of the NYBA Board of Directors are volunteers. No one gets paid. They dedicate their time and effort to help run the school. We wish to encourage NYBA members to be active members, and to self-nominate to serve on the board if they can. NYBA members can also volunteer to serve on specific committees to help out with seminars, classes, tameshigiri, and fundraising events.




























The NYBA ethics committee is independent from the NYBA Board as to avoid a conflict of interest. If there are any issues members are encouraged to seek advice and counsel from these members. Our goal is to provide a safe space for all NYBA members.



  • Please feel free to ask any relevant questions, but please refrain from chatting or mimicking the technique when instructors are teaching or demonstrating.

    Try to be on-time for the beginning of class. If you arrive in class late, change off the Dojo floor, bow in and wait for the instructor to acknowledge you before you join the class.

    Cleaning the space is to be done by new students – we rent studio space, this means the floors are less than clean. Please help clean the room prior to class – remove chairs or tables, pick up any leftover garbage and sweep the floor.

    Bow to the Shomen before entering and when leaving the dojo space.

    When not in use, swords should be placed, handle to the left, back of the blade to the wall and the tip facing away from the shomen. Never step over a sword, bokuto or jo if it is lying on the floor. When picking it up bend down on one knee. Never drop or bang a weapon on the floor intentionally, this is considered extremely disrespectful.

    Dues should be paid on time. If there is a problem, bring it up to the manager or treasurer before payment is due. Please be proactive with this matter.

    If you cannot make it to class for an extended period of time, please be considerate and let one of the administrators know.

    Be respectful to your fellow classmates and instructors. We are all here to learn.

    If you must leave while the instructor is still teaching, excuse yourself quietly and bow out. When leaving or entering class always walk behind people for safety. Do not interrupt the class.

    If you must stop in the middle of a Kata, immediately return your sword, and wait until the rest of the class finishes the Kata. Be mindful of the space around you.

    Live (Sharp) swords are not permitted in class, it is too much of a liability. However, we do use them for tameshigiri (practice cutting), under the guidance of the instructors.

    New students are responsible for bringing down all equipment from the storage closet and hanging the Shomen with the portrait of Otani Sensei as well as removing them at the end of class.

    Practice self-control. Arguments, harassment or loss of temper can result in expulsion from the Dojo. Never use a weapon in a threatening manner towards another student or instructor.

    When borrowing class equipment, please be respectful and take good care of it.

    All borrowed equipment needs to be put back into the equipment bag at the end of the class. Students borrowing uniforms are responsible for washing them and folding them after class.

  • New York Budo Association (NYBA) values and protects your privacy. We thank you for the trust that you place in us and we want you to know that the information you share with us will be kept private. This privacy policy outlines the type of information that is collected by NYBA, how we use and protect it.

    By using our website, you signify that you agree with the terms of our current privacy policy as posted in this area of the site. If you do not agree with the privacy policy do not provide any information personal or otherwise. If you choose not to provide personal information on this site, you may not be able to do certain things, like access particular parts of the site or send us email.

    NYBA may provide links to third-party websites not controlled or owned by NYBA that we think may be useful or of interest to you. This privacy policy does not apply to any information you may provide while on such sites and NYBA is not responsible for the privacy practices employed by such sites. We encourage you to read the privacy policies on those sites before providing any personal information on such sites.

    Currently, NYBA collects personal information when you make an online donation or dues payment. The data collected during this process is necessary to complete these transactions. No cookies are currently used on our site so browsing information and history is not captured. When a new member joins the school, personal information is also collected primarily to maintain accurate contact as well as emergency contact information. This is collected via our online membership form or when an individual signs up for one of our promotions.

    Only our chief instructor, board members and officers and certain volunteers specifically working on administrative support will ever have access to your personal information. We will never sell or release your information unless required to by law, legal process and/or by search warrant, subpoena or court order.

    Finally, while every effort is made to keep information provided over the Internet accurate and up-to-date, NYBA does not certify the authenticity or accuracy of such information.

    No warranties, express or implied, are provided for the content or records on this website, or for their use or interpretation by you.

    NYBA, its officers, directors, employees, and agents assume no legal responsibilities for the information or accuracy contained in this data, including any action taken from reliance on any information contained herein and shall have no liability for any damages, losses, costs, or expenses, including, but not limited to attorney's fees, arising from the use or misuse of the information provided herein. Your use thereof shall constitute an agreement by you to release NYBA, its officers, directors, employees and agents from such liability.

    By using this information, you are stating that the above has been read and that you have full understanding and are in agreement with the contents.

    By attending NYBA-hosted trainings and events, you are giving NYBA the right to video/photograph you and to use them for promotional purposes. If an individual does not wish their likeness recorded for distribution they may contact the board members in writing so we can make arrangements to respect their wishes.


    1. New York Budo Association (NYBA) instructors are guided by a deep conviction of the worth and dignity of advancing an individual's path of Budo as well as recognize the special responsibilities placed on them as teachers and guides for their students.

    2. NYBA instructors encourage and support the learning process of their students and demonstrate the best possible standards of the discipline and art of Iaido. They demonstrate respect for the student as an individual and adhere to their role as a guide and teacher. NYBA instructors avoid exploitation of their students for their personal advantage. They make every effort to assure that their evaluation of students reflects their true merit. Iaido teachers are aware of and sensitive to the power differential inherent in the teacher–student relationship.

    3. As members of NYBA, the instructors are committed to creating and maintaining a community free from all forms of disrespectful conduct including harassment and exploitation.

    4. NYBA teachers and practitioners do not engage in sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is sexual licitation, physical advances, or verbal or non-verbal conduct that is sexual in nature that occurs in connection with the teacher's instructional activities.

    Sexual Harassment can consist of a single intense or severe act or of multiple persistent or pervasive acts. Sexual harassment also includes requests of sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's martial arts training or creating an abusive, hostile or offensive practice or learning environment.

    5. Harassment is not limited to that of a sexual nature. Iaido practioners do not knowingly engage in behavior that is harassing or demeaning to persons with whom they interact in the dojo environment based on factors such as the person's age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, creed, sexual orientation, disability, language or socio-economic status.

    6. The process to file complaint for violation of this statement of ethics follows:

    a. Discuss the complaint with your Chief Instructor for guidance and recommendation.

    b. If the complaint involves the Chief instructor, directly contact a member of the Board of Directors as in (c) below. An attempt will be made to mediate the situation and resolve it to the satisfaction of the involved parties.

    c. If the issue remains unresolved, a formal complaint must then be made in writing and sent to the Board of Directors.

  • If any individual, be it student, teacher, or supporter of New York Budo Association (NYBA) has a concern that there has been a breach of moral or ethical standards and makes a complaint, the following procedure is to be carried out.

    The complainant should direct their concern to one or more of the following individuals:

    – Livia Salgado

    – XXX

    The individual in part 1, who has received the complaint will then inform the Board of Directors of NYBA in writing within 24 hours.

    An investigation will then be conducted by the ethics committee. The investigation will consist of, but not be limited to, conversations with the complainant, alleged violator, and potential witnesses.

    Within 72 hours, the ethics committee will discuss its findings with the Board of Directors. At that time, the Board of Directors will determine appropriate action to be taken in response to the complaint. If the complaint is against a teacher at NYBA, is true, and is deemed egregious by the Board, termination of the teacher will result. If the complaint is not egregious, but is true, appropriate action will be taken to remedy the situation and ensure integration of moral and ethical principles with educational and proprietary practices.

    The Board of Directors of NYBA will determine appropriate action to be taken within 72 hours of receiving the ethic committee results, unless more information is needed before taking action. In such a case, an appropriate extension of time will be allotted to gather information.

    Within 48 hours of a decision being made by the board, the complainant will be notified in writing of the decision.